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Connections Made

Understanding the Connections Made metric

Tahera Barok McArthur avatar
Written by Tahera Barok McArthur
Updated over 11 months ago

The end benefit that we want both teams and organisations to receive as a result of using the Mo platform is to become more connected. We believe that by being better connected you’ll have stronger relationships, improved cultures and achieve more together.

The Connections Made metric provides a simple way to evaluate how well we’re helping your team or organisation achieve real business impact and change as a result of using Mo.

How we calculate Connections Made

To calculate the total Connections Made, we look at every individual Moment Shared and then seek to establish how many people that Moment has brought together and to what extent.

The easiest way to understand how we calculate Connections Made it is with a couple of examples.

Example 1

Let’s imagine that somebody has just shared a Moment on the Mo platform. Within the Moment they @mentioned 2 people for their outstanding work.

In this scenario there are 3 total people involved in the Moment - the sharer and the 2 recipients - recipient A and recipient B.

The total potential connections that could be made from this one Moment (post) will equal 2:

  • The sharer has the potential to form a connection with recipient A

  • The sharer has the potential to form a connection with recipient B

For potential connections to become Connection Made, the recipients of the Moment are required to interact with the Moment in some way, either by adding an emoji or by leaving a comment. This interaction is used as a proxy to help us understand how valuable the recipient deemed the Moment. If the Moment is not deemed worthy of interacting with, it is not counted towards the Connections Made.

So let’s imagine that both recipients A and B receive an email notification that they’ve been @mentioned in a Moment:

  • Recipient A logs in and leaves both an emoji and a comment on the Moment

  • Recipient B doesn’t interact with the Moment at all

The total Connections Made in this scenario will equal 1, only 50% of what it could have been.

  • 1 for the sharer connecting with recipient A

Because only 50% of the potential connections became Connections Made, we would describe the Connection Efficiency of this Moment as 50%.

Example 2

Let’s imagine that somebody has just shared a Moment on the Mo platform. Within the Moment they tagged 3 people for their ongoing contribution.

In this scenario there are 4 total people involved in the Moment - the sharer and the 3 recipients - recipient A, recipient B and recipient C.

The total potential connections that could be made from this one post will equal 3:

  • The sharer has the potential to form a connection with recipient A

  • The sharer has the potential to form a connection with recipient B

  • The sharer has the potential to form a connection with recipient C

Let’s imagine recipients A, B & C receive an email notification that they’ve been tagged in a Moment:

  • Recipient A logs in and leaves both an emoji and a comment on the Moment

  • Recipient B leaves only an emoji

  • Recipient C leaves only a comment

The total Connections Made in this scenario will equal 3, 100% of what it could have been.

  • 1 for the sharer with recipient A

  • 1 for the sharer with recipient B

  • 1 for the sharer with recipient C

Because 100% of the potential connections became Connections Made, we would describe the Connection Efficiency of this Moment as 100%.

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