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Redeeming Your Store Credit 🤑

Quick and easy how to on redeeming your store credit.

Tahera Barok McArthur avatar
Written by Tahera Barok McArthur
Updated over 10 months ago

Once you've built up a good amount of store credit, you might be thinking about redeeming it for one of the vouchers in our store or your organisation's custom items.

Below are all the steps to redeeming your rewards.


Under the store tab in rewards is where you will find all of the available vouchers/items you can purchase. The first thing you need to do is find one you would like to buy.

Purchasing The Voucher 

Below I have chosen to redeem an Uber Eats voucher, all you have to do is decide how much of your store credit you would like to spend on it.

Also, underneath the value box in each voucher will be the minimum and maximum you are allowed to purchase, Uber Eats is £15 - £150.

Once the order is successful you will receive an email containing your voucher and will also be able to see it in the store activity tab next to the store.

If you have any questions regarding anything said above you can get in touch using the icon in the bottom right, we'd be happy to help out. 😄

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